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In 2017 it was estimated that one in every 68 children born in the USA was subsequently diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The rate continues to increase and many other "developed" countries have rates that are similar to the USA, viz: Hong Kong (1 in 27), South Korea (1 in 38), Japan (1 in 55), Ireland (1 in 65). Over the years many, many different theories have been put forward to explain the development of the condition, ranging from childhood vaccination,  exposure to farming chemicals, exposure to organophosphates, exposure to methyl mercury, exposure to pyrethroids, etc. Despite all of these theories, it is our belief that the development of ASD can be logically explained biochemically and genetically and as such may be both resolvable and potentially preventable.

Economic Costs of Autism. The economic costs of autism have been calculated by the US CDC to be:

1. Combination of direct and in-direct costs, including medical care and special education of between US$11.5 billion to $61 billion (2011)

2. Medical costs of trying to treat children and adolescents with ASD were ~4-6 times higher that those without ASD

3. Apart from the medical costs, there were intensive behavioral interventions for children with ASD which cost an additional $40,000 to $60,000 per child per year.

Given the above, any reduction in the rate of autism, and in the severity of the symptoms of the condition would represent a massive reduction in costs both to the parents of children with the condition and to the community as a whole.

Childhood Development. This web-site has been designed to provide information on various aspects of ASD of the condition and includes information on what is involved in normal childhood development and how this is different or delayed in ASD. This information is on the page titled Development).

Biochemistry of Autism. We have also pooled our data on the Biochemistry of autism and how this is different from that in nutritionally normal individuals (See Biochemistry section). Analysis of this data has enabled us to determine the nutritional deficiencies that are common to children with the condition and thereby to explain the biochemistry that is "behind" the delay in development that characterizes autism, with the purpose of suggesting methods to avoid the condition and to present the possibility that it may be possible to prevent, halt or reverse the condition.

Genetics of Autism. The recent explosion in genetic analysis has also meant that we have been lucky enough to receive a huge array of data regarding the genetic analysis of children with autism, and to thereby determine if there are possibly genetic variants either associated with the condition or causative for the condition (See the section on Genetics). This analysis looks at single point changes in the nucleotides that make up the DNA of various genes, also called single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and has uncovered many previously unreported associative  SNPs in various genes and by comparison has revealed some surprising variants in normal SNPs suggesting possible in womb selection of genetics due to new environmental factors, which potentially could explain the rapidly increasing rate of the condition.

Theory of Development of Autism. Examination of pooled data that we have collected on the Biochemistry of Autism and the Genetics of Autism, a central, or meeting point of convergence, or a Nexus has become apparent. This is the basis of the "Nexus Theory" of Autism, which is discussed on the site.

Prevention of Autism. Through the analysis of the factors conditions that contribute to the development of ASD, we believe that it may be possible to detect the condition much earlier than currently occurs, and also we believe that it may be possible to completely to eliminate the condition and so Wipe-Out Autism

Additional Information on Autism. There are many "help" sites that can give you information on behaviour, learning difficulties, social interaction, difficulties that people with autism experience etc. One that looks to be particularly helpful is https://www.autismhelp.info/. If you know of others please let us know.

Autism Assessment Tool. A new tool has been developed by the group at Early Autism Detection which claims to be able to detect the potential for a child to develop autism with an 81% accuracy. The tool is easy to you and comes as a series of down-loadable Apps.

Special Thanks. We would particularly like to thank all of the mums and dads who have generously provided the data that has enabled us to explore the biochemistry and genetics of the condition and we hope that through the information provided on this site that they may better understand the condition, why it has developed and what they can do about it.

Helpful Contacts. Whilst we can help you to understand what we know about the development and treatment of the condition, there are many wonderful sites offering emotional and practical support on being a "special needs parent". We have included some of these sites on our Contact page. Please tell us if you have used particularly useful sites and we will endeavor to add them to the page.

References. For those whom are interested, we have included relevant references to validate our conclusions.




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